
What should I look for when visiting a wedding venue?

During your visits, you'll discover whether the atmosphere and vibe of the venues match your wishes. Do you feel that instant connection? Those indescribable butterflies? Do you want to shout "Yes!" immediately? Then you're feeling it right! To help you check off the practical matters too, we’ve got a handy checklist for you.

Tip 1: Ensure a stress-free arrival for your guests

  • Is the venue easily accessible for your guests?
  • Is there ample parking, and are there any costs involved?
  • Is the venue fully wheelchair accessible and/or suitable for guests with disabilities?

Tip 2: Explore all the setup options for your wedding

  • What setups are possible for the ceremony, dinner, and party?
  • Can you get married outside, and what's the plan for bad weather?
  • Are there multiple spaces available, or does the venue need to be rearranged in between?
  • What are the possibilities for styling and decoration?
  • What furniture does the venue provide, and can you rent your own?
  • Is there a separate space for children to sleep or play?
  • Is there an extra room to freshen up or take a break?
  • Where are the restrooms, and are they "wedding dress friendly"?

Tip 3: What are the options for food and drinks?

  • What does the venue offer in terms of food and drinks?
  • Do you pay for drinks based on consumption, or can you get a package deal?
  • Does the venue provide the wedding cake, or can you bring your own?
  • Can you, if desired, choose your own caterer, and what are the conditions?
  • Are there options for a tasting dinner before you make the final menu choice?
  • How does the venue/caterer handle special requests?

Tip 4: Imagine your ultimate wedding party with a DJ

  • Is live and/or amplified music allowed (potentially outside as well)?
  • How late can the party go on?
  • Where is the dance floor, and where will the DJ or band be set up?
  • Technical capabilities: is there a standard sound and light system available?

Tip 5: Inquire about collaborations with wedding vendors

  • It's great if the venue has partnerships or good experiences with wedding vendors, so you can rely on high-quality services.