Tips for finding your dream wedding venue

Congratulations, you're embarking on a very special time with your fiancé! We can imagine how you're feeling right now. In love, engaged, and probably a little overwhelmed. But don't worry, we're here to help!

Where to begin? The first step is finding the ideal wedding venue. You want a place that suits you, fits your wedding party perfectly, but above all, a venue where you feel completely at ease. The Open Wedding Venue Day is here to guide you every step of the way!

How to start your wedding venue search?

To kickstart your search for your dream venue, there are some questions you can ask yourselves. Your wedding is unique and should reflect both of you. Take your time to answer these questions and discuss them together. This will lay the foundation for your big day!

  • What atmosphere do you want to create on the big day?
  • What is most important to you?
  • What kind of setting resonates with you?
  • In which season do you want to get married? Or do you already have a preferred date in mind?
  • What are the must-haves?
  • How many guests are you planning to invite? Will it be the same throughout the day or different for each part of the program? Trust your instincts and decide accordingly. It's your day.
  • What is your budget?
  • Where do you want to get married? Near home or farther away?
  • Do you want to stay at one venue for the entire day?

How to participate in the Open wedding venue day?

  1. Searching and Discovering
    Once you have an initial idea of your preferences, you can start searching for wedding venues! Start by making a shortlist of favorites with venues that catch your interest. You can then visit only the most promising wedding venues during the Open Wedding Venue Day.
  2. Book Tours
    Make reservations at the wedding venues you want to visit and receive your route via email. We recommend visiting a maximum of four venues during the Open Wedding Venue Day.
  3. The Route Day!
    It's time to see the venues in person and soak up the atmosphere. And with a bit of luck, taste the wedding cake! Take photos of all the cool wedding setups and make notes in your phone about who and what you've discussed or booked at each venue. The Open Wedding Venue Day is an open event, which means your reservation is not an appointment at a fixed time but an indication of your arrival time.
  4. Win Your Wedding Day
    Found your dream venue? Let us know where you're getting married and stand a chance to win your wedding day (worth €10,000).
Find your wedding venue

Visit checklist

What to look for during a wedding venue visit?

During the visits, you'll discover if the ambiance and atmosphere of the wedding venues match your wishes. Do you feel the connection? That indescribable flutter? If you feel like shouting 'Yes!' right away, then you're in the right place! To ensure you cover all the practical aspects as well, we've prepared a handy checklist for you.