Win your wedding day!

Let us know where you're tying the knot

Exciting news - you've discovered your dream venue. Even better, you now have the chance to win your special day valued at up to €10,000!

Can we pay for your wedding venue?

To participate, fill in your details below. You'll receive (completely free*) a Rituals gift card worth €15 as a wedding gift from us. But most importantly, who knows, we might surprise you with our grand prize! We'll cover the bill for your wedding venue up to €10,000!

Gideon en Claudia

In the enchanting garden of Robacher's Watermill Estate, Gideon and Claudia were surprised with our grand prize!

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Myron & Jordie

Winter wedding vibes at Innesto... Amidst the snowflakes and atmospheric lights, Myron and Jordie received their prize!

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Harry & Mark

Harry and Mark were surprised during a winter gathering at their wedding venue, Stoer Events & More in Boekel.

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Merle & Martijn

A romantic summer breakfast at De Landgoederij and the grand prize!

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Could you be the next winner?

We draw the grand prize every year among all couples who share with us where they're getting married. If you've filled in your details via the form, you automatically enter the draw! The winners will be surprised and then announced via our socials. For the free Rituals gift card, we'll first confirm with the wedding venue if your wedding is definitively booked, and then you'll receive an email from us requesting your address.

*Would you like to review all the rules of the giveaway and the Rituals gift card? You can do so here.

Myron and Jordie won their wedding venue worth €10,000 in the previous prize draw.